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Using the Hook™ to Boost Your Sales Video

What's Hook™ and How to Make it Work?

Hook™ is the eye-catching image right above your VSL (Video Sales Letter).

Think of it as the Headline – the first thing people notice, and it plays a big role in getting them to click and watch your video.

A great hook sparks curiosity and grabs attention, possibly giving you a near 100% view rate.

On the flip side, a less exciting hook might result in fewer views. So, having a powerful Hook™ above your VSL is crucial for nailing that conversion!

Now that you get why a good Hook™ is key, let's roll up our sleeves and learn how to set it up!

Setting Up Your Hook™

In your video, go to EditHook™Add Hook™.

Name your Hook™, upload your image, and hit 'Save'.

You can add one hook at a time. Wanna add more? Just rinse and repeat.

Don't forget to save changes at the top of your screen!

Once done, all your added Hooks will show up below your video, like this:

Important: When you add several Hooks™, VTurb splits the traffic evenly. Results like Engagement, Play Rate, and Views pop up in the table below the video.

If you like, you can turn off the underperforming versions, keeping only the winner. Click the small switch labeled "on" to switch it to "off".

Boost Your Conversions with Hook Testing

If you want to compare two or more hooks, give Hook Testing a whirl. When activated, VTurb automatically runs the test, figuring out which hook brings in more viewers until the pitch moment (when the sales message drops) in the VSL.

Setting up Hook Testing is a breeze:

Go to the Hook™ option in the panel. Under the blue button to add a hook, you'll find "Test Hook."

When you enable hook testing, you'll also have the option to "Enable version without Hook." This helps evaluate your video's performance without a headline, giving a direct comparison with versions that include Hooks.

Then, hit "Start Hook Test," and you're good to go.

From here on, VTurb handles the tests to spot which Hook™ rocks in your video. You're cleverly using your traffic to amp up your sales!

Each Hook's™ performance is calculated by multiplying the play rate by engagement, shown in the table below the video.

Ending Hook Testing

If you decide to wrap up the test manually, you'll get a heads-up with the end date, noting that no hook won.

If VTurb wraps up the test automatically, a winning hook gets declared, along with a heads-up like this:

Under the video where the test happened, a table dishes out essential metrics, including View, Engagement, Play Rate, and Play Rate x Engagement:

This gives a clear picture of each hook's performance.

After VTurb wraps up the test, all traffic heads to the winning hook, supercharging your sales campaign even more!

Hook Size Tips


Recommended: 1500x200 pixels.
Play around with sizes to find what fits your page best.


Small Text: 410x110 pixels.
Large Text: 410x280 pixels.

Ditching the Background of Your Hook™

To get rid of your hook's background, edit the image before throwing it into VTurb! Do it in the hook creation tool (like Canva) or use for background removal.

Tip: If you want some color in the hook background, match it with your page's background!

No need to mess with your page's video code when making edits in the VTurb panel. Just refresh your page and, if needed, clear the cache to see the video with the fresh edits!

To explore our other features, check them out here!

Updated on: 02/21/2024

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